jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

my dog is a part of my family and he has been with us 3 years. His name is Snicker, i named him like that because his color is caramel and i would like to eat hiim. He is a french puddle. He is a small dog that was burned on july 31 on 2008.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011


Weather is a very weird fenomenum here in Guatemala, it rain, its hot, its fresh, and its kind of wet sometimes, for me weather is fine in anyway except wet and ot beacuse i really hate that. My favorite weather is fresh beacuse i can do whatever i want without any obstacle, but it doesnt make any  diference to me if its raining or not, except if i am playing soccer or longboarding, that makes me angry because soccer is more difficult to pkay it with rin because the ball goes faster and you can slipe, just as in longboard, you can fall  easier and your board will get really wet and it can break. I have been in the snow twice, bothe times in the United States. One time was in Denver and the otherone in Tennessee. I n tennessee it was kind of funny beacuse i wwas in an exchange program and i was supossed to return o Guatemala 4 days after it snowed. Thursday in the afternoon i went out and it was snow everywere and i was very excited because ivve never seen that much snow in my lie so i took a lot of pictures, but the bad news were that they coulded canceled school on Friday, my last day. I woke up in the morning of saturday and everything was cuvered with snw and i was like Doup!, i was very sad, but i went downstairs and asked if there was going to be any school and they told me YES, but at 10:30A.M. I went to school and it was a normal day, just that i was taking pictures with everybody and i went to a basketball game at night and there was no snow anymore! It was weird, but i enjoyed every last minute qqwith my friends. At the next day there was no snow at all, everything was gone. Here in Guatemala, last year, a lot of people thoought it rained sand, but it didnt, it were ashes from the expllosion of the pacaya volcano and all the ashess or sand went to the clouds and then it rained and all the sand fell. Everyone was like very confused of what was happening. My mom and I were at the gym and it was very difficult to see through the windshield on our way back home. My parents had diferent options to go on vacation this year. We went to Bahamas to a little island named Nassau in a cruise. my parents prefered that one because we like hot tropical weather and we didnt took the cruise to Alaska becuse it was too cold for us and we didnt like it. In Nassau the weather was very hot but we went to the beach so we had a great time thaht day. The water was kind of cold and the sunvery intense so i was happy becayse as soon as i got out of the water i was warm again because of the sun heat. My uncle went to a cruise this year to Alaska and he told me that the cold there was very intense an you must needed a warm jacket. They told me that Alaska in a time of the year it gets all alone because the cold is too strong and just in the cruise time they open the strores and in winter everybody return to its home and just a few persons stay there. In the cruise there are stories of people who tried to kill themeselves by jumping to the freezed water. One of the things that impresses me of the weather is a mountain covered with snow next to the sea. That is located in Colombia. There is a place in Chile that has snowy mountains next to a desert that is 2 kilometers away.

domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Tita´s House

I call my grandmother Tita, her name is Isabel and she is one of the persons I love the most in this world.  She is that kind of person that is always looking for your own good and always taking care of all her grandchildren. 

She is dark hair, not too tall, doesn´t wear makeup on unless she is going out. She is that kind of person who doesn´t ask for  more
 that what she needs. 
My mom lived all her life in a house that was really big that my grandfather bought a long time ago. That house was always good looking and always clean. My grandfather wanted that house to be in perfect situation t all the time but, when my grandfather died my grandmother sold it to one of her friends and now that house is all dirty and in bad situation. I cannot imagine how those persons could destroy a house that was so beautiful.
 My gradmother bought a house that is behind that one and I can see it everytime I go there and I feel so bad because my grandmother loved that house.  My mom has some pictures when she was young and i can see that her family had   a lot of money because they also had great cars.  Now i see the structure of the house is very ugly and they haven´t taken care of that house even though its so nice and pretty. I have been in that house like one time and I don´t remember very much just that was in a very bad situation.  I hope the people who bought it realize how pretty that house was and hopefully they can repair  it and make it as pretty as it was.

That house was so well constructed that on the earthquake of the 76 nothing fell down, but a bottle of oil.
My grandfather was a big fan of antiques so he bought a furniture for the living room from the Spanish conquerors. He gave them to my grandmother and my grandmother gave them to my mom about 5 years ago.

We have them now in our house in the main living room.
The reason that I am sharing this is because so many things can change in just a few years, and all the things that you don’t take a good care of can be ruined.
 That happens not only to things, but also to persons who don’t take care of themselves, specially their health and good habits.

Through this message I would like to encourage all of us to think about how we are taking care of our health, of our future, of our relationships with our family, friends and authorities. What happened to my grandmother´s house can happen to all of us in the different aspects of our lives.

So we must be careful each day of our lives. Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference. It is important that at the end of the day we examine our actions and try to make a commitment to be better every day.

As the time goes by you will find out that you are in control of your life and not a lot of people has the ability to be their own driver on the life trip.
 One of m personal experiences according to this theme is that once I drop my cell phone onto the pool and I lost it because it didn’t reacted ever again. You don’t know what you have until you loose it, this time it was my cell phone, but It could have been my life, or a very special relationship with someone else.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Personal Rituals

Scince i am a litle boy i have been very delicated with my personal look. I always was looking myself in the mirror, but because i was afraid my hair move from its place and those little things. I have been growing and i realized i am not that person i was, maybe bacause i use my hai with other style or maybe i am more mature but either way i am not that person anymore. i used to smell the glases of the restaurants before drinking on then and i cleaned the fork before using it. Once my mom told me i used to see my reflect on the fork and see how my hair was doing.

My mom tells me i am  a lot as my Grandfather; the way i look, the way i see things and the way i am. I didnt get to know him but i know i woulded love hm very much and we woulded had a great relationship.

On my infancy i kind of had a funny look because my tooth were really big and white so they noticed a lot and i had a lot of funny hair styles. i used to put gel on my hair and i puted in a lot of diferent ways; i used it all up and starit even on the sides and always cool. I loved my hair.

martes, 12 de julio de 2011

My Grandmother

Always happy and making jokes. She is the person i admire the most in this world and thatss because she has always been there for me and will. She is always happy and she is very funy and that why i love her very much. I remember once that i got my school grades and they werent really good so i went to her and explained her, and she told me "its fine, yoou will do better next bimester" and she talked to my dd about it and my dad didnt told me nothing so i am very glad having her as a grandmother. Her name is Olguita, i call her Tita scince i know her. She was borned on a little town in Zacapa called Gualan. I remember i wnt to her house when i was a little boy and i loved going because we always watched tv an she cooked for us  and she has been there for me every second. Right now she is on the United States because she went see my cousins and my aunt and I miss her very much. One day she felt down on my older house and she broke her ribs and I remember I saw her with a lot of pain and that made me feel very sad. We drove her to the hospital and then she went recover. She is my Dads mom and and they have a lot in common. I love the way she live her life because she does not complicate, she does not mess with nobody she is a good person, just as my Dad is. She is one of my best friens because I know she will always be there to support me and giving me advices in any moment I need one. She always smell to a sweet perfume and I will always recognize her smell. She is that kind of grandmother that likes to go out and socialize and she is not shy at all. She is always telling me about all her stories when she was young and I love to hear them. She was second place in Mrs. Guatemala a long time ago. I have a very good relationship with her because we feel a very good connection between us and I have a goal and is buying her a house she had, but she sold it because she was having economic problems so one of my goals is buying her that house when I grow up. I have been with her in times that I will never change for the world. If I have to describe her would be “perfect grandma” and she knows I will be there for her forever and I will support her in any moment she needs me just like she did. I know she had suffered very much but I know God love her and he put her back up again and that’s how she I cannot remember any time we have been mad to each other because I think we have neer been mad more than 30 minutes and we forgive each other because we cannot be mad because we feel bad so we are always loving each other every time. Another thing I know of her a lot is that she loves dogs very much so I want to give her a dog because she doesn’t have one now so every time she looks at the dog remember me and remember how much I love her. Every time I hug her I tell her how much I love her so she knows that I am right there for her.one of the thing I am sad sometimes is that she has a disease on her eyes so she cannot drive at all and she cannot read very much, but that doesn’t stop her and that doesn’t make her see that the world is wonderfull.