domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Tita´s House

I call my grandmother Tita, her name is Isabel and she is one of the persons I love the most in this world.  She is that kind of person that is always looking for your own good and always taking care of all her grandchildren. 

She is dark hair, not too tall, doesn´t wear makeup on unless she is going out. She is that kind of person who doesn´t ask for  more
 that what she needs. 
My mom lived all her life in a house that was really big that my grandfather bought a long time ago. That house was always good looking and always clean. My grandfather wanted that house to be in perfect situation t all the time but, when my grandfather died my grandmother sold it to one of her friends and now that house is all dirty and in bad situation. I cannot imagine how those persons could destroy a house that was so beautiful.
 My gradmother bought a house that is behind that one and I can see it everytime I go there and I feel so bad because my grandmother loved that house.  My mom has some pictures when she was young and i can see that her family had   a lot of money because they also had great cars.  Now i see the structure of the house is very ugly and they haven´t taken care of that house even though its so nice and pretty. I have been in that house like one time and I don´t remember very much just that was in a very bad situation.  I hope the people who bought it realize how pretty that house was and hopefully they can repair  it and make it as pretty as it was.

That house was so well constructed that on the earthquake of the 76 nothing fell down, but a bottle of oil.
My grandfather was a big fan of antiques so he bought a furniture for the living room from the Spanish conquerors. He gave them to my grandmother and my grandmother gave them to my mom about 5 years ago.

We have them now in our house in the main living room.
The reason that I am sharing this is because so many things can change in just a few years, and all the things that you don’t take a good care of can be ruined.
 That happens not only to things, but also to persons who don’t take care of themselves, specially their health and good habits.

Through this message I would like to encourage all of us to think about how we are taking care of our health, of our future, of our relationships with our family, friends and authorities. What happened to my grandmother´s house can happen to all of us in the different aspects of our lives.

So we must be careful each day of our lives. Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference. It is important that at the end of the day we examine our actions and try to make a commitment to be better every day.

As the time goes by you will find out that you are in control of your life and not a lot of people has the ability to be their own driver on the life trip.
 One of m personal experiences according to this theme is that once I drop my cell phone onto the pool and I lost it because it didn’t reacted ever again. You don’t know what you have until you loose it, this time it was my cell phone, but It could have been my life, or a very special relationship with someone else.

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